Hi Chris,
I believe that teams need leadership, there is some evidence that it is our biology but I am by no means an expert. Now the old paradigm where one leader calls all the shots won’t work in a complex environment, but leadership is required in several areas: design, architecture, process, value etc.
Scrum is the great simplifier, that allows us to manage complex situations easier. There is a role for leadership when it comes to the quality of the product, there is leadership in improving the way we work, getting better, stronger, faster and there is leadership in making sure the product creates value.
Could that role change person? probably. Could market insights and expertise part of the development team? definitely! Does it mean the product owner commands the team? most certainly not.
Intentional influence is something all the roles in the Scrum team apply to maximise their area, I would hope the product owner applies his/her influence to maximise the value of the product.
And sometimes leadership can be watching how things unflold ..
Thanks for your comment! it made me think.