I missed this comment, sorry for the ancient reply. TL; DR; I can see you had some experiences with implementations of Scrum that made you feel that way, however that is not what Scrum is, or was designed to be.
Nowhere in the guide you will find it is about a single team, nor that developers and ops working together was precluded. It doesn't talk about pigs or chickens.
Of course Scrum stands on the shoulders of giants like Drucker or Demming, but its not 25 years old. It has been evolving for 25 years, changing, mainly getting smaller and less prescriptive. Meaning you have to think more when applying it. It is after all just a framework, you still need to figure out how to actually build your product.
This is why I think leadership is so important. Think of teams as growing up, the same rules that work for an experienced an mature team do not work for a younger team, and that is okay. Grow the team, grow yourself. The amount of self organisation changes, but no-one likes command and control.
And finally, you would be suprised to learn how small the team was that wrote the guidance software for the Falcon 9. Sometimes you need to scale down to scale up.